There's a LOT happening in August for book releases; not just from me but from other authors as well. I'm also traveling to Savannah for Authors After Dark book convention. I hope to see you there! Readers will be first to get their hands on paperbacks of Dragon Master, Sniper, and Symphony of Night! Check out the stories below!
Special Ops News and InformationDelta Force has been released a little over a month now. People have met Logan and enjoyed his story. Heartache followed by becoming a stubborn asshole to meeting the woman of his dreams who changes his life forever... Well let's say Delta Force invokes a lot of emotion! OMG he's a beast! -- Amazon review Holy Hannah! I figured I read a little before I go to sleep...well I could not put this book down and finished! -- Amazon review [She] carried him when he didn't know he was being carried. -- Amazon review This book is full of emotions, it makes you hopeful, cry, laugh, pissed and then happy. -- Author Lily-Ann Johnson, author of Blondie's Hero What's next? Sniper is coming out mid-summer! If you've read Delta Force then you've met Tom Brody. Brody's story is told in the next installment and let me tell you... it's HOT!! Where Logan reclaims his life in Delta Force, Brody teaches his girlfriend, Tony, how to live life in the world of BDSM! I've been planning out book three, Ranger, recently, and this story will take me into a very dark place. As thought on this story, plotting it out, and listening to the voice of Ponce (you'll meet him in Delta Force), I'm touched, moved, and scared to death to write this story. I chatted with a friend today about his story and before I could even tell her, I was on the verge of tears. Once I gained control of myself, she went a little nuts with me! It's dark story telling, more so than I have attempted before. So a part of me is excited to venture down this unknown road, while the other is fearful to considering knocking on that door. Once the door opens and I decide to walk through it, there's no going back. That is the exciting, and fearful part of it all! You've also seen posts where I'm writing a book with Marianne Morea. Well we're closing in on being done! It may happen this week! Dragon Master is happening and our goal is to have it ready for Authors After Dark! We're both very excited about this story and cannot wait for you to meet King Tryst, Sebastian Lord Dragon, Jamie, Luke and Rowena! Books, Books, and more... Returns?There's been post among post recently of authors having books bought and returned. Maybe it's because the reader doesn't like it, maybe it was a duplicate purchase (although Amazon prevents this if you've already bought the book) or maybe the cost of the book is just too much. Is 99 cents or the amount of $3.99 too much for someone's budget? Let's take a look at this and see... Book for $3.99 is a one time purchase fee and the ebook you get to keep for the lifetime of your Amazon (or however you read through) account. (unless Amazon et al changes their dynamic, this is the way it is.)
Maybe the toilet paper was so good, but it was $1.00 more than the average? Would you use the toilet paper then return it to the store? Of course not! How embarrassing would that be! "Excuse me, Joe Q. Public. I wiped my ass with this, but I think it should be free, so I'm returning it." Oh, and let's not forget Starbucks. If the latte is so amazing, would you drink it, then demand your money back because it was too expensive? Would you pee and demand a refund because the latte is now out of your system and you think, "it should have been in my system at least another full day." Imagine taking a bottle of pee to the Starbucks counter... Eww... just as bad as returning poopy toilet paper. Disgusting, right? SO WHY IS IT OKAY TO RETURN READ BOOKS? GO TO THE LIBRARY AND GET A FREE BOOK!!! Don't tell an author to make their books free! We spend a lot of our time away from home writing these stories, time away from our families, and put so much effort into them. Whether you enjoy them or not, do not steal by reading and returning. If you loved it, leave a review saying as much. If not, we'll take that one to two star over a return any day. Please, for all things holy, stop returning our books!!! EventsMy first event is behind me for 2016, the Novel Experience Event in Atlanta. If you missed it, you sure missed a great time! My next event will be in Jacksonville on June 4th! I hope to see you there! To check out my next in person appearance, go to my events tab (click here).
Sassy in Jacksonville (June 4th) is a one day mass signing. We'll be right on the beach so I hope to see you there! I'm setting up two outings; one Friday night and one Saturday after the signing. I hope to see you there so we can hang out! Go to my events page for more information! Next will be Authors After Dark in Savannah August 3rd through the 7th. This will be the last and final AAD event so I REALLY hope to see you there! I'll be releasing Sniper, book two, just before the event! I'm also co-writing a book with Marianne Morea called Dragon Master! Both books we plan on having available at the event! You know who else is planning a release during AAD? Sherrilyn Kenyon! She will be joining us the entire week! She'll be releasing a book in her series and wants to celebrate it with you! Click on my events tab for more information! Finally to end the year on a high note, I'll be back in Tampa for Beach Babe Book Blast November 12th! Join us for this one day mass signing! Last years event was outstanding and I'm expecting good things to come around again! Click on my events tab for more information! That's all from me for now. It's a lot, and a lot needed to be said. Make it a fantastic day and leave that review for the books you've read, don't return them, get excited with me for Sniper and Dragon Master, and I'll see you at the next event! Readers gonna read. Writers gonna write. LOL! TNEE went off as a huge success!!! Delta Force sold out within the first hour! Readers who already had read the story talked non-stop about Logan! I LOVED hearing that!!! They were also asking about Brody's story. <3 During my author book talk, basically a panel of just me with the readers, someone asked me about writing about my experience having an autistic child. This was a question I was not prepared to answer. Needless to say, I broke down and cried while answering. I apologize for that, as it was not expected. I hope I did not hurt anyone with my answer. Move, yes, touch, definitely. But not hurt. That aside, TNEE was great! The Villain's ball was AMAZING and the food? Out of this world!!! If you missed out on TNEE, there's another con you can get into and trust me, you WANT to be there! Huge announcement is coming soon! HUGE!!! I'll post about it, tweet, and share as soon as it has been released! I already know so for now, my lips are sealed! Delta Force, Deadly Alchemy, and Fatal Intentions sold out! Southern Roots did pretty well and Clive was talked about often. I also realize it's time to start drawing back on Chronicles of the Fallen. Which is good because MORE people have it so YAY!! Most authors did very well at TNEE. Horror authors were represented well. Even YA and NA! Oh, did I mention the Villain's ball? Seriously awesome! Check me out as Lady Loki and Milly Taiden as Madam Magneto! If you haven't attended a Romance Ink event, you really need to consider doing so. They BROUGHT it! Aside from hotel issues, which is bound to happen, the staff made the event completely seamless! Now, onto the next event! Check out my events page.
Next for me is Sassy in Jacksonville. This event will take place June 4th. Are you coming? I hope to see you there!!! Saturday, June 4th, 2016 the event will be at Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront. Main event time is Saturday 12-4. Currently there is no after party scheduled so I'm setting something up private with readers, more details coming soon! Click here for more information. After Sassy is Authors After Dark in August! This is another Romance Ink event so if you're not setup yet to attend, you NEED to be! Seriously! If you wait to see who is attending, it may be too late to get a ticket! So sign up today! Click here for more information! Oh! Back on TNEE for a moment, readers have been watching Marianne Morea and I talk online about Dragon Master! They asked for a reading and let me tell you... the room was silent and gasps were heard! Readers were ASKING for this story to be ready for AAD! So yeah, we're working our tails off to make that happen!!! That's it from me for now. See you on the next trip!!! Audio Book!
ParamourComing January 2016 will be the next book in the Southern Roots series, Paramour! Notice I did not say final? More will come, that I can definitely tell you! Paramour is Derek's story. If you've read City Lights and/or Driven Hunger, you've met Derek and know a little bit about him. Synopsis: Can he accept love if he can’t accept himself? Lead man of Mongrels of Soul, Derek, has a secret. His friends have accepted his secret, but will the world? One thing for certain, once the world knows, this could make or break him… or would it? Meeting a man of a lifetime, Derek wants to pursue what he feels. Scott, a male revue dancer, wants Derek to go public. When he hesitates, will Scott wait for him? More than chords will be played and it is up to Derek to make the final move. Fatal IntentionsSoon after, the sequel to Deadly Alchemy will release! Titled Fatal Intentions, this story will take you back in time of corsets and bustle skirts, mixed with steampunk ingenuity. John and Amelia are back, as well as Adam, Sophie and Sarah. You'll also meet new characters: Irina, Marcas, Tomas, and Elena. All play a pretty big role in this story. It is quite different from Deadly Alchemy, but kept the same premise; vampires, werewolves, and a new supernatural being: Necromancers. It is a wild ride so be ready for it early spring 2016! Special Ops: Delta Force
Super Secret ProjectShh! I can't say anymore than this! Well maybe one thing; it's a spin off from Chronicles of the Fallen! More Samuel, Alex and Michael! Collaborative Effort with Marianne MoreaThat's right! Marianne and I have put our heads together to begin writing a book together! We've talked about it, mewed over ideas, tossed things here and there, then finally, came up with a great idea! We're just at the beginning stages. I think we may try to have it completed for publishing in 2016, but don't tell Marianne I said that! HA! Events and Appearances 2016Be sure to check out my Events page for all the details!
The Novel Experience Event, Authors After Dark, Authors In The Sand, and Beach Babe Book Blast!!! Epic events going on in 2016! Are you coming??? They say a new year a new you... Maybe I don't want to be new? HAHA! Well, what I DO have new is books! Books will be coming from me starting in January! January 20th, look for Deadly Alchemy! Synopsis: How do you choose who lives and who dies? Alchemist Amelia Rimos has just discovered the cure for the Undead. Being naïve and vulnerable, she does not realize the Undead have their targets set on her. Happening upon a tall, dark, exotic man named Michel Gauthier, he saves her from becoming a victim, thrusting her into a game of cat and mouse. Amelia realizes being an Alchemist is not in her best interest when she befriends him. Is Michel as sincere as he seems or does he have an ulterior motive? When her life cannot be more complicated, John Hawthorne interjects himself into Amelia's life and shifts it completely upside down. He informs Amelia she has the key to their survival. Soon, she will realize the Undead are not the only monsters in the world… Amelia will find herself in a stalemate: She will be forced to choose between destroying her evidence and saving the man she’s grown to love or destroying over half the population of the world, including the love of her life with it. Check out the book trailer! Next, Fueled Desire, book three in the Southern Roots series! Look for this beauty coming out in March, 2015! Are you coming to The Novel Experience Event in Vegas? Well I'll have this paperback with me in hand so be ready! Synopsis: A chance encounter around the world led her to him… Abby Masters knew it was time to move on and start her life on her own. No one was in her way, no one could stop her. Leaving her past behind was the best way to move forward. Deciding to travel around the world, the intent was to clear her mind, to find herself and to start over. What she didn’t expect, what she didn’t see coming, was Clive. Then, July 2015, look for Driven Hunger, book four in the Southern Roots series! Are you coming to Authors After Dark? Yes, I'll have this one in hand as well! Synopsis: Becoming more than friends never meant to be like this… Makayla Shaw has left her past love behind her. Ready to move forward, she decided to take in a show featuring Blaine’s band, Deep Ember. Having open wounds from the past, she knew it was time to close at least one of them. Matt, Deep Ember’s drummer, enjoyed his music and his women. When Makayla came back into the spotlight, he knew he wanted her, but how much, he was not sure. When Matt discovers the torment Makayla has been through, will he be able to keep his own feelings from surfacing? Will Makayla guard her heart from being hurt again? When two people have an intimate friendship with no feelings, can hearts still be broken? Late fall, I'll be releasing the final installment to the Southern Roots series, Paramour! Synopsis: Can he accept love if he can’t accept himself? Lead man of Mongrels of Soul, Derek, has a secret. His friends have accepted his secret, but will the world? One thing for certain, once the world knows, this could make or break him… or would it? Meeting a man of a lifetime, Derek wants to pursue what he feels. Scott, a male revue dancer, wants Derek to go public. When he hesitates, will Scott wait for him? More than chords will be played and it is up to Derek to make the final move. So... who's excited for 2015? I know I am! I'm like... jumping up and down in excitement!!! So if you're planning a great new year like I am, let's keep the momentum going. As these stories are looking to release, I'll be working on new ones for 2016! Planning, always planning! Thank you so much for your support!
Here are five random things about me you may not have known... Ready?
Below are some images of me and of my book covers. I'm excited to see everyone and meet you at Authors After Dark!
![]() Do you want to attend Authors After Dark in Charlotte? Would you like to attend if we sponsored the registration? Well, I’m sponsoring a GIVEAWAY for an Authors After Dark 2014 Registration (this is a $240 value). There are a few caveats — You'll need to book a room at the Westin in Charlotte (be sure to ask for the AAD special rate!) The organizer will not send your registration confirmation until this has been completed and the room confirmation provided. The hotel stay will be Wednesday through Saturday night/Sunday morning. And, of course, you’ll have to get yourself to Charlotte. Do you want to bring a friend? I'll do a two for one! That's right! You get to come and bring a friend! One of you needs to book the room and the registration will be provided. There are two ways to enter! Comment here on my blog or on my facebook page (you can enter twice by doing it in both places!!!). I’ll draw for a winner on the evening of Wednesday, June 25th! And, bonus, the winner will also win an autographed paperback from me of their choice at the event!!! I’m looking forward to meeting lots of readers and authors — hope to see you there! ![]() Hey Readers! #AAD this year is giving away over 4000 books, registrations to AAD 2015 and TNEE Vegas and a TON of author sponsored prizes and gifts. And there's a HUGE costume ball, an open bar, parties, mini events, an in house tattoo artist, corsetier and a mechanical bull. Yeah, you heard right! Registration(250$) includes all your meals (And we DO provide REAL options for gluten free and vegetarian offerings!) a welcome bag filled with swag and books, and your pass to all the awesome we do every year. Wanna hangout with authors, I mean REALLY hangout with them? This is nothing like ANY mere signing you have attended. ALL the authors attending WANT to hangout with you, talk with you and be a part of the larger world of Literary awesome. Don't you? Register today! Your conformation will have links to get your hotel and a link and password to get a seat for the Sins and Virtues Ball! Check out all the awesome at or the #AAD FB group: 2015 Partial list has been announced! Hello Everyone! So the time has come... and while the list isnt completely finished we have enough authors locked in that we can give you a glimpse of who is attending the event for 2015! AAD 2015 is in Atlanta GA August 12-16 and will be presided over by none other than the lovely and wonderful SHERRILYN KENYON !!! Saranna DeWylde Rebecca Zanetti Kiernan Kelly Boone Brux Rita Sawyer Sidney Bristol Lacie Nation Beth Williamson Lissa Matthews Eliza Gayle Jennifer Estep T. Lynne Tolles Tilly Greene Suza Kates Alyssa Breck Annabel Joseph Diana Castilleja/ Diana DeRicci Bronwyn Green Jessica Jarman Tawdra KANDLE Liz Schulte Julia Talbot BA Tortuga Jenn LeBlanc Ann Mayburn Stacey Kennedy Mina Khan Kris Norris C.J. Ellisson Stephanie Julian Heather Long TJ Michaels Marianne Morea Ciara Knight kerry adrienne Kerrianne Coombes Carrie Ann Ryan MK Mancos/Kathleen Scott Jae Lynne Davies Sherri L. King Jenny Trout/Abigail Barnette Desiree Amy Gregory Mel Schroeder T.C. Blue Robyn Peterman Bianca Sommerland Olivia Jaymes Roz Lee Connie Suttle Vella Day Sara York A.D. Roland Brandy Walker Melinda Harris S.P. Cervantes J.M. Madden Hildie McQueen Julie Morgan Milly Taiden Teresa D'Amario Sasha White Tracy Wolff ML Guida Coreene Callahan Suzanne Johnson Jennifer Ashley S.A. Price Cat Johnson And if you havent yet, Sign up for 2014! ONLY attendees of 2014 will be able to win freebie registrations for 2015 AAD.. as a huge thank you for attending the event and supporting these amazing authors... and we will be giving away 5 registrations for 2015 this year. DO NOT MISS IT! |
Julie MorganWant to join my newsletter? Click here! Archives
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