Chronicles of the Fallen, books one and two, are currently set at 99 cents! Lover of the paranormal? How about contemporary romance? Come take a ride into the world of Angels and Demons where a woman, unknowingly, signs her soul over to the devil... and her guardian angel manifests himself into human form to save her. "One of the best!" -- My Secret Book Spot "LOVED THIS!" -- United Indie Book Blog "Angel that steal you hearts and Demons that want you soul!" -- The Book Fairy "This one kept me on the edge of my seat!" -- One More Chapter Reviews I recently landed on Amazon Best Seller list! Help me in celebrating as Atonement, book three, will be publishing May 13th! Here's a book trailer to give you a sneak peek!! Fallen: Lisa Adams wants what every other woman wants: The perfect job. The perfect home. The perfect guy. When she receives the opportunity of a lifetime, Lisa has no idea what she’s actually signed up for. Her boss, who is tall, dark and incredibly sexy, starts making advances towards her and she’s having a hard time telling him no. Lisa begins seeing things that are scaring the Hell out of her. Nightmares are leaving her frightened. Then there’s this new guy that’s come into her life. He brings a new light into the darkness that threatens to claim Lisa. He’s mysterious, heartwarming and kind. Not to mention the most beautiful man she’s ever met. But something with him seems to be off. Faced with love, seduction, sacrifice and deceit, Lisa will find herself being pulled in two directions; one pursues her to claim her soul and the other will sacrifice everything to save her. Redemption: Lisa’s choice has been made. She’s living her dream and couldn’t be happier. Then as news comes to shed light on her happily ever after, a series of events are set in motion. Some want to claim what is rightfully theirs, others want to mold it in a positive light. Alex feels the demon inside of him growing stronger, day by day. Will he be strong enough to keep it at bay, or will he lose himself to the darkness? A new demon comes into Alex and Lisa’s life who seems to have every intention of destroying them, but do they know what their intentions truly are? Lisa will discover who is an ally and who is the enemy, but will she discover it in time to save Alex from his own self destruction? When she finally understands what is happening to her, will she lose herself and everyone she loves or will she seek redemption and accept what she has become?
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![]() I've received some GREAT feedback from winners who've received advanced copies of Redemption. See what they have to say!
US: UK: ![]() The time has come to offer up a book for an honest review. What is this book you ask? Well it's the second book in the series of Chronicles of the Fallen: Redemption! I've created a form for review sign up. It's a way for me to keep up with you. Nothing more. I hope to see your name on the list! If you run a blog and/or are a blogger please fill it out!!! Thank you in advance! ![]() THANK YOU SO MUCH for the amazing 4 and 5 star reviews I've been left on Amazon and Good Reads! I hope the series continues to please the readers as this is the inspiration we crave to continue our writing journey. Not everyone will love our stories and no book is cookie cutter. This, as writer's, we've come to accept. I've provided a few of them below. Again, thank you for the reviews and may you (the reader) always find the book that calls to you. 5 Star I love to read books that receive bad reviews just to see if I agree or not. I started this book with an open mind, really didn't like it much because it jumped around alot but i always finish a book just to give it a fair shot, I'm happy to say that by the end I was totally engrossed in finding out what was going to happen. I came online to look for the 2nd book in the series and was bummed to find out it's not out yet. Yes there's alot of in depth story telling in book one but isn't that what a series is suppose to do? Pull you in and get you hooked? Well it did now break out the coffee and set at the typewriter and get that next book out lol Demons, Angels, losers and lovers, bad guys, good guys, tempters and lovers, honesty, deception, romance, hero, come on what's not to love in this story. The story builds slowly and for many they may feel a book has to grab them from page one to hold their interest, take the time to relax and enjoy this book, by the end you to will be here hunting for book 2. My honest opinion, this author knows how to write a series and i for one will gladly add her to my favorite authors to watch. 5 Star This story was not what I expected, but in a good way. I have read plenty of books with Angels and Demons and this one wasn't same as the others. The female character was strong and Alex was wonderful. I highly recommend this book for those looking for a different kind of love story. I can't wait until book two is released! 5 Star Five wickedly sexy stars for Fallen! Fallen opens in New York City. Lisa is just like any other woman. She wants to be successful in life, but she also wants to be happy. When the perfect job falls into her lap, it would seem that she has it all: a career that many would covet, good friends, men interested in her, and general happiness. Unbeknownst to Lisa, her job is not all it seems, and neither is her boss, Samuel. Samuel seems like a great person to work with. He is charismatic, though a bit mysterious, easy going, and fun. Nothing is missing, or so it would seem. The problem is that Samuel is not what he seems. Evil seldom looks evil head on, especially when it is out for your soul, and Samuel wants Lisa’s soul. Alex is Lisa’s new neighbor. He is kind, fun to be with, and a gorgeous ray of sunshine, but even good guys have things to hide. As Lisa’s relationship with Alex progresses, so does Samuel’s attempts to steal Lisa’s very being, and he is not one easily thrown aside. There are fireworks everywhere when the intentions of Samuel collide with the goodness of Alex. With Lisa in between these two warring beings, anything is possible. This book was very special to me. I’ve known the author, Julie Morgan, for 26 years. How she’s had all of this in her head for all her life is a mystery to me. I love the characters in this book. Yes, even Samuel, because you can’t have goodness without evil! For me, the most impressive facet of this book is the rich descriptions of Hell, and the angels and demons. Obviously, Ms. Morgan has never been to Hell, but from her descriptions, you might think she’d had firsthand experience. The reading of those scenes is actually stressful. Her grasp on angels and demons is no less impressive. They are strong, beautiful, and at many times, terrifying. That Julie Morgan successfully pulls off a great love story in the midst of this, is nothing short of ingenious in my opinion. It’s a tall order, but man, she comes through. I feel so proud to have watched this story evolve, and I am equally excited about being a part of the next one in the series: Redemption! |
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