With the upcoming book signings in Vegas for TNEE and Tampa for BBBB, I've placed my books on a temporary sale! Take advantage of the prices while you can, they won't last long!
Chronicles of the Fallen series: Fallen - this book is still free on all channels! Redemption: Amazon (US) B&N KOBO Atonement: Amazon (US) B&N KOBO Culmination: Amazon (US) B&N KOBO Southern Roots Series: Southern Roots: Amazon (US) B&N KOBO City Lights: Amazon (US) B&N KOBO Each book is also on all channels of Amazon (i.e.: AU, CA, UK) as well as iBooks and Scribd.
9 MORE DAYS till Culmination publishes! It will be here very soon and I could not be happier and more excited! If you've not read the first three in the series, now's your chance to pick them up! They're all 99 pennies!
Fallen http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H1EMU88/ Redemption http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IZPYPFS/ Atonement http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KAQ6Y2W/ Culmination: Ultimate power comes with ultimate betrayal. Trust No One. War is coming and sides must be chosen. Jonathan has grown into his powers and he’s stronger than he could ever begin to understand. Having abilities from both worlds makes him one of the most powerful beings on earth. Even Elysium has no control over him. Hell has risen and with it, the coming apocalypse. Their sights are set on Jonathan, the Nephilim’s and the traitors against Hell. Michael warned the light will not be involved… until war or death are inevitable. Taking matters into his own hands, Jonathan builds an army and in the process, meets an unlikely ally. She’s sexy as hell and knowledgeable about all things demon. He also knows her from somewhere but can’t figure out who she is. Secrets are unfolding and his world begins closing in around him. Will Jonathan be strong enough to face the truth or will he lose himself and submit to the darkness? Chronicles of the Fallen has been a wild ride! In a years time, the story had been outlined and written into four different stories, each detailing a different aspect of the series.
I never thought I would be here today... writing these stories and writing about them afterward! Follow your dreams and take that chance. Before I took the chance to write, I would read for authors, write reviews and when the time allowed, beta read. I loved every second of it. Then one day along the way I met an amazing woman, Jillian Dodd. She is a treasure and if you don't have her on your reading list, I suggest getting to it... like right now. I met Jillian when I took on her first published book, That Boy. I fell in LOVE with it! Jillian, like many other indie authors, took the time to talk with me. She and I befriended one another and over time, developed a friendship. Hell we even saw Magic Mike together! (Crazy evening lol!) Jillian invited me to Book Bash in Orlando last June, 2013. I came out and this was a turning moment for me. I met many amazing authors this day, but this is not what the changing moment was... it was realizing that THIS could be me. Alex and Lisa were waiting patiently for me to listen to them. Samuel... yeah not so much. When he realized I would finally take this story seriously, he began talking NON STOP! The readers of the Fallen series should not be surprised by this. HAHA! Encouragement from Jillian and her assistant, Beth Suit, is what lead me to start writing out Fallen. Jillian, thank you will never be enough. Along the way, I met a few other women that completely changed my life... for the better. Rebecca Cartee stepped up to the plate as my first beta reader. She informed me she was not a fan of paranormal stories, but wanted to get into beta reading and "why not?" Yes, her words. She took on Fallen and I can personally say, she's never looked back. Rebecca has since become one of my editors and I look forward to working with her in the future. Kathey (aka: Designs by Katt) came next. She knew exactly what I was looking for in covers and never stopped working. She's image, then send it over. Image more and send it again. When I realized I was falling in love with my covers I knew we had a good partnership. I began getting curious about author signings and events. I knew they were important but I wasn't sure HOW important. In comes Stella Price. I met Stella back in November, 2013, before publishing Fallen. I believe I asked her if I should really considering attending TNEE Atlanta because "I'm not published yet and no one knows who I am." In other words, am I kidding myself? She told me I should come, if anything for the experience. Y'all I had so many questions! It's a good thing she did not shun me! LOL! March 2014 I attended my first signing and came close to selling out of my paperbacks! Stella was right and I'm SO glad I listened to her! She has since become a friend and I treasure her dearly... and our love for Tom Hiddleston and Michael Fassbender. Yum. After Fallen published, a woman named Tabatha (some of you know her as Faith) and she took a chance on me and offered to publish me moving forward. I've learned a lot from her and hope to continue our work together in many years to come! Thank you for believing in me and my stories. Finally wrapping this up and certainly... NOT the least... my street team. When I realized the Fallen series had affected people the way it did completely humbled me (and shocked me!). I met some of the most amazing women from these stories. Nicole Webb is definitely one of them. I believe our first conversation was about "questioning faith" and "letting go of pretenses." Nicole and I had a long talk and I was humbled she took the time to reach out. She was humbled I took the time to talk to her. (Seriously authors, talk to your readers. They're your bread and butter!). In closing, many, many thanks go out to Jillian, Rebecca, Kathey, Stella and Nicole... among many, many others. Are there stories after the Fallen series? You bet there is! Will they follow this series? Unfortunately, no. This series stops with Culmination; however, in the future, if Samuel continues to pester me the way he does, he may get a novella or two. LOL! Archangel Michael occasionally bends my ear so watch out, you may see him in something soon. Who knows? Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. It means the world to me. Anytime, reach out and say hi. Tell me who you love more, Alex, Samuel or Jonathan? LOL I know there's a few Michael fans as well! Again, thank you so much for reading the stories, reading this blog and just... being there. Much love!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Ultimate power comes with ultimate betrayal. Trust No One. War is coming and sides must be chosen. Jonathan has grown into his powers and he’s stronger than he could ever begin to understand. Having abilities from both worlds makes him one of the most powerful beings on earth. Even Elysium has no control over him. Hell has risen and with it, the coming apocalypse. Their sights are set on Jonathan, the Nephilim’s and the traitors against Hell. Michael warned the light will not be involved… until war or death are inevitable. Taking matters into his own hands, Jonathan builds an army and in the process, meets an unlikely ally. She’s sexy as hell and knowledgeable about all things demon. He also knows her from somewhere but can’t figure out who she is. Secrets are unfolding and his world begins closing in around him. Will Jonathan be strong enough to face the truth or will he lose himself and submit to the darkness? Is this cover not beautiful? Meet Jonathan, son of Lisa and Alex Carter. He's the Nephilim born from the Hybrid Angel/Demon (Alex) and human mother (Lisa). You first met them in Fallen and continued their story in Redemption. Atonement told you Samuel's story. Now step into Culmination where the final chapter of Chronicles of the Fallen takes you through Jonathan's struggle... as well as the other characters you've met along the way... in FIRST PERSON POINT OF VIEW! Look for the story to release on July 10th!!! I cannot WAIT for you to get your hands on the final installment! Bio and where to find Julie Morgan! Originally from Burleson, Texas Julie always had a love of books, especially paranormal stories. Julie finally took the leap and began writing with encouragement from her family. Having worked in IT her entire career, Julie now spends her free time writing. Living in Central Florida with her husband and daughter, her favorite pastime is reading children's stories to her daughter, especially those around animals. Connect with Julie Morgan: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliemorganbook Twitter: https://twitter.com/JulieMorganBook Blog: http://juliemorganbooks.com/ Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/author/juliemorgan Good Reads: https://www.goodreads.com/juliemorganbooks Have you not read the other stories yet? Here's your chance! You can pick them up here! Fallen US http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IZPYPFS UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00IZPYPFS DE http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00IZPYPFS FR http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B00IZPYPFS ES http://www.amazon.es/dp/B00IZPYPFS IT https://www.amazon.it/dp/B00IZPYPFS BR https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B00IZPYPFS JP http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00IZPYPFS AU https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00IZPYPFS Atonement ![]() “If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” ― Vincent van Gogh Atonement is LIVE!!!! I'm SO excited to bring you Samuel's story! Go pick it up today! Show me the proof of purchase to enter for a chance to win a swag pack from me or an autographed paperback of the book! Click here to pick it up! He's caused havoc. He's brought Hell to earth. He's taken more souls than he cares to remember. When Samuel comes face to face with a woman he has centuries of history with, she makes him work harder than he's ever worked on claiming a soul. Anauel has been charged to end Samuel, once and for all. She hates who he's become, she cannot stand his existence and she plans to do whatever it takes to bring him down. What she doesn't count on is his seduction making its way into her heart. Anauel plans to destroy him for everything he has become. But a big ‘what if’ lingers over her: Can she send him down the path of atonement, or will Samuel lure her over in hopes of claiming her soul? Fighting lust and temptation, Anauel will need to fight harder than she's ever fought before; for her soul to live. In claiming the soul of an angel, Samuel will find himself also fighting against something he's completely unfamiliar with; the ability to feel something greater than lust and seduction... love. Chronicles of the Fallen, books one and two, are currently set at 99 cents! Lover of the paranormal? How about contemporary romance? Come take a ride into the world of Angels and Demons where a woman, unknowingly, signs her soul over to the devil... and her guardian angel manifests himself into human form to save her. "One of the best!" -- My Secret Book Spot "LOVED THIS!" -- United Indie Book Blog "Angel that steal you hearts and Demons that want you soul!" -- The Book Fairy "This one kept me on the edge of my seat!" -- One More Chapter Reviews I recently landed on Amazon Best Seller list! Help me in celebrating as Atonement, book three, will be publishing May 13th! Here's a book trailer to give you a sneak peek!! http://youtu.be/pnWDWnb_3Ho Fallen: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H1EMU88 Lisa Adams wants what every other woman wants: The perfect job. The perfect home. The perfect guy. When she receives the opportunity of a lifetime, Lisa has no idea what she’s actually signed up for. Her boss, who is tall, dark and incredibly sexy, starts making advances towards her and she’s having a hard time telling him no. Lisa begins seeing things that are scaring the Hell out of her. Nightmares are leaving her frightened. Then there’s this new guy that’s come into her life. He brings a new light into the darkness that threatens to claim Lisa. He’s mysterious, heartwarming and kind. Not to mention the most beautiful man she’s ever met. But something with him seems to be off. Faced with love, seduction, sacrifice and deceit, Lisa will find herself being pulled in two directions; one pursues her to claim her soul and the other will sacrifice everything to save her. Redemption: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IZPYPFS/ Lisa’s choice has been made. She’s living her dream and couldn’t be happier. Then as news comes to shed light on her happily ever after, a series of events are set in motion. Some want to claim what is rightfully theirs, others want to mold it in a positive light. Alex feels the demon inside of him growing stronger, day by day. Will he be strong enough to keep it at bay, or will he lose himself to the darkness? A new demon comes into Alex and Lisa’s life who seems to have every intention of destroying them, but do they know what their intentions truly are? Lisa will discover who is an ally and who is the enemy, but will she discover it in time to save Alex from his own self destruction? When she finally understands what is happening to her, will she lose herself and everyone she loves or will she seek redemption and accept what she has become? ![]() That's right. Time waits for no man or woman. Why is this important? Because Redemption goes live in SEVEN MORE DAYS and The Novel Experience Event (aka: TNEE) is just a few weeks away! It's surreal and it's happening! I feel like Amy Adams in the gif from Enchanted lol!!! If you haven't read Fallen yet, I have it set for 99 pennies right now! Click here to pick it up! My store page also has Fallen and Redemption available for purchase in paperback together, or purchased separately. Souls of Fire and Ice is next! The cover is coming right along and it is HOT! My friend and fitness model, Daniel Hosse, is featured on the cover! He's pretty excited about this too. Click here to follow his Facebook page. Thank you, everyone, for your continued support! Each and every one of you have touched my heart, one way or another. <3 Chronicles of the Fallen![]() REDEMPTION IS COMING SOON!! March 15th will be here before we know it! Here's what a few reviewers have posted about Redemption, book two in Chronicles of the Fallen series: Another winner of a book from Julie Morgan. She has given birth to her own honey of a storyline and keeps her readers wanting more. Took me a single day to get through this one and now I'm waiting to see where it all goes. Way to go Julie! First off, you must read Fallen first to understand whats going on in Redemption, both are amazing books!! Redemption, WOW, it kicked some major ass! Redemption blew me away!! The angel vs demon battle has so many ups and downs, it kept me intrigued and irritated when I had to stop reading for some reason, I was dying to finish it and find out what happened. There were times I wanted to slap or curse some of the characters, you get so drawn into the story you can't bear to put it down. The author did an amazing job with this one, you can literally picture everything that's happening, it has such great detail. I am completely in love with this book and cannot wait to read more. Wow! Keep your arms inside the ride at all times! I highly recommend having tissues, chocolate, and the ability to curse out loud when you read this book. There are several Holy **** moments. Emotionally this book was a real roller-coaster for me. I was given an ARC to read, and boy was I not ready for the emotional roller coaster to come. I will tell you that I dreamed of this book, I thought about it when I wasn't reading it, and I ate a lot of chocolate. I messaged the author telling her I wasn't sure, emotionally, if I could handle finishing the book. When I couldn't stop thinking about it though, I had to finish. This is one book you won't want to put down for long. Julie Morgan has done a great job of creating a whole world beyond this one with her characters. You want to love some of the characters, fight for them, and you wish you could slap or defeat others. The steamy scenes make you wish for a steamy bad boy of your own. I look forward to reading more books by this talented author. I'm VERY excited to get this book into your hands! TRUST ME!!! I recently finished writing Souls of Fire and Ice, book three in the Chronicles of the Fallen series. This story is about Samuel finding his own redemption. He's still the bad boy, he's still a demon. None of that changes. But when a certain angel puts herself back into his life, he's determined to be her downfall... or will she be his? This story actually crosses over (slightly) into the world of BDSM. If you've read Fallen (and soon Redemption) you'll understand why. Samuel is a BAD boy. Super bad... he's THE Samuel... and I love him. He's a creation from my own mind. Same as Alex, a creation from the demise of my mind! LOL! Swag! SWAG! SWAG!![]() I received my swag order! New rack cards (aka: over-sized bookmarks) and postcards! I've been sending them out this week to readers of Fallen! If you'd like some, send me a screenshot of Fallen on your ereader, or a screenshot of the paperback and I'll drop it in the mail! EASY!! The two hotties on the image here are (left) Alex (aka: Jesse Christopher) and Samuel (aka: Daniel Hosse). March 28th - 30th I'll be in Atlanta signing at The Novel Experience Event (click here to see more information). Daniel will be joining me at this event! You won't want to miss this!!! T-SHIRTS!I have been considering creating these t-shirts. What do you think?
Look for them coming soon! I'll have them for sale on my Store page once I have them in hand. ![]() Intrigued now? Haha! Well I've been giving a lot of thought to the characters I'm writing about. Redemption will be releasing soon and I'm about 1/2 through writing Souls of Fire and Ice. It's taking a much darker turn; it's more seductive, more sex then the first two books and borders the line of moving into BDSM. Considering the book is about an incubus (for those unfamiliar, the incubus is a male sex demon who invades the minds of women for the purpose of sex, resulting in the theft of their soul) I'm not surprised it went there. I'm definitely including a disclaimer in this one! As a result, Samuel's character has truly grown exponentially in my heart. As he's a true figure you could read about from many different versus of the bible, folklore and the lot, to me, he's a character I've given life to. I absolutely love him as much as I love and adore Alex and Lisa. ~wipes tears~ I've been giving thoughts about the fourth book. Bringing this series to an (unwanted) end, I've titled it Culmination, which means the end or final result of something. Seemed fitting and also, very sad. I've totally and completely fallen in LOVE with these characters. I could gush all day but I won't. I can tell you my two favorites by far are Samuel and Jonathan. Who's Jonathan you ask? Well you'll have to read Redemption to find out! Samuel to me is the inner evil in all of us. He's the character we want to be, we wish we could have, the man we want to change, the man we want to save. I love every bit of his being inside of me. I created him from inside my head onto a piece of paper. Every one of you breathed life inside of him. That's right, yes you. Without you, he would not exist. Without you, I would have stopped at Fallen. Without you, I would not be here, doing this, and talking with you. For that, I owe you so much. Thank you from every space inside my swelling heart. Now, let's talk about Jonathan. He is another character you'll get to meet briefly in Redemption. I cannot go into details here who he is yet, but you'll figure it out towards the end of the second book. There's a plot in Souls of Fire and Ice that brings everything together, including my dear Samuel. "You mean, all of this, everything I have done, everything I have endured, none of it matters now?" He sighs and the anger rises deep inside of Samuel. He glares at Lucifer and growls, "What about my revenge?" "What in all of this, makes you think any of this is about you?" Lucifer tells him with a smirk. (If anyone has read Redemption yet, some of you have, you might recognize one of those lines.) Here is where Jonathan will come in. I can't tell you how, when or where, but trust me, it's HUGE! You'll get to meet a new female demon in Redemption. She's the demon of creation and destruction and is she HOT! I LOVE THIS CHARACTER! She's so good at being bad! You will LOVE to HATE her. Then you'll hate me for what I do to her. I've included the synopsis as it is written for now on my home page. I hope you've enjoyed this deep dive inside my mind. It's kinda dark in there... I wouldn't linger too long. You may not get out alive. (evil grin followed up with an evil laugh) |
Julie MorganWant to join my newsletter? Click here! Archives
July 2023